National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Laboratory of Harbour Works (LHW)
School of Civil Engineering
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
The Laboratory of Harbour Works is one of the fourteen laboratories of the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.
The Laboratory of Harbour Works is one of the most prestigious Laboratories of the University and one of the most well-equipped in Europe. It was established in 1965, and is currently located in a building of 5.000 m2 in the Zografou Campus of the University. The Laboratory provides education, applied research and consulting in the fields of:
- Design and construction of Harbour Works, Coastal and Offshore Structures in Greece and Cyprus, including breakwaters that are capable to cope with the effects of climate change
- Port and Coastal Infrastructure Monitoring and Assessment for identifying structure aging and failures from natural hazards or climate change
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) that promote ecosystem resilience and climate change adaptation
- Integration of climatic databases with state-of-the-art numerical tools to provide reliable data on prevailing sea states, supporting approaching procedures of vessels to port and harbor basins and improving port operations.
LHW has contributed significantly to the development of port projects in our country by participating into more than 40 projects in Greece and abroad regarding physical modeling. In addition, the Laboratory is an academic hub for undergraduate and post graduate students of the School of Civil Engineering, who thrive worldwide in the field of design, construction and management of coastal and marine infrastructure, both in the public and private sector.
In the context of its academic presence, the Laboratory further organizes advanced engineering training sessions and educational field trips, and hosts international conferences.
High level research
The Laboratory actively participates in Research Programs related to its aims and scope
LHW Team
Meet our team
Vasiliki Tsoukala
Michalis Chondros
Vasiliki Chalastani
Andreas Papadimitriou
Christina Tsaimou
Anastasios Metallinos