Assistant Professor, NTUA
Brief info

Dr Michalis K. Chondros serves as Assistant Professor in the Laboratory of Harbour Works (LHW) of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He works on innovative methodologies and models to enhance coastal resilience. He has participated as PI and/or team coordinator in more than 12 funded research projects. His research interests focus on physical and numerical modelling of coastal processes with the presence of coastal and harbour works. His research work also entails wave propagation and transformation, coastal hydrodynamics, sediment transport, shoreline and sea bottom evolution, coastal erosion and flooding and wave disturbance of port basins. Recently, in collaboration with the Director of the Laboratory and with a team of highly qualified colleagues, has developed by incorporating high-fidelity numerical models and Artificial Neural Networks, a novel methodology for developing a robust coastal flood early-warning system to improve societal preparedness against coastal flood events. His academic achievements involve over 45 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences of high impact factor. Furthermore, he has been involved as an engineering consultant in more than 70 port and coastal engineering projects in Greece and abroad (e.g. Cyprus, Malta, Albania, Guyana). Michalis holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (NTUA, 2008), an MSc in Coastal Zone Management (NTUA, 2010), and a PhD in Maritime Hydraulics (NTUA, 2014).


tel.: +210 772 1992


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