Probabilistic representation of coastal storms, Acronym: STORMS2COAST, Duration: 8/12/2020-8/12/2022

Development of a Computer System for Short-Term Forecasting of Coastal Floods Using Artificial Intelligence, EYD OP Human Resource Development and Lifelong Learning, NSRF 2014-2020

Sustainable design of coastal structures and their adaptation to climate change risks, IKY/SIEMENS Excellence Program

Training and Mobility of New Students – Large Installations Plan II: “Water Oxygenation in Rubble Mound Coastal Structure” at Franzius Institut of University of Annovero, Germany, funded by the European Union

Training and Mobility of New Students – Large Installations Plan II: “Dynamics of wave Breaking and air entrainment and its influence on air-sea interaction processes” at Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands, funded by the European Union