
Laboratory of Harbour Works (LHW)
National Technical University of Athens
School of Civil Engineering
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Iroon Polytechneiou 5, 15780, Zografou Campus

210 7722367

210 7722368




    Public Transport

    The closest metro station is “Katechaki” station. To approach LHW the following bus lines can be used from the station opposite to the exit of “Katechaki” station:

    • 242 ST. KATECHAKI – POLITECHNIOUPOLI: Bus station 200067 – KTIR. POLITIKON MHXANIKON (the 7th station after entering campus)

    • 140 POLIGONO – GLIFADA: Bus station 200080 – POLYTEXNEIOYPOLH (~1km from LHW)

    Close to LHW is Zografou Gate (~500 m) outside of which the following bus lines can be used:

    • 608 GALATSI – AKADIMIA – NEKR. ZOGRAFOY: Bus station 200009 – 8th ZOGRAFOY (to arrive at LHW) and Bus station 200014 – 9th ZOGRAFOY (to leave from LHW)
    • 230 AKROPOLI – ZOGRAFOY: Bus station 200009 – 8th ZOGRAFOY (to arrive at LHW) and Bus station 200014 – 9th ZOGRAFOY (to leave from LHW)

    Please visit official site of OASA (organization for transport for Athens) for real-time information (OASA Information center: 11185).

    • Finally, there is the NTUA bus line that connects the university buildings located at Patision Street with Zografou campus. The departure times are 7:15, 9:15, 11:15 from Stournari Street and 8:05, 10:15, 14:30 from Zografou campus. The stop at Zografou campus is located in the administration building which is 700m away from LHW.

    Other means of transport

    • To approach LHW by car, Kokkinopoulou and Katechaki gates are used. Zografou gate is open for cars only during 07:00-09:00 and 14:00-16:00 (the gate is always open for the pedestrians). During night and weekends both Kokkinopoulou and Katechaki gates remain closed. For LHW facilities, move along the ring road of the campus, turn right at the Bus station 200067 – KTIR. POLITIKON MHXANIKON. Parking is available next to the entrance of the Laboratory.
    • The NTUA also has a car pooling network.
    • There is a cycle path inside campus, as well as bicycle parking spots at specific areas.

    The pedestrians can follow the guidance below to approach LHW while walking inside campus.

    • From Zografou gate turn directly left and after 200m you can spot LHW on the left.
    • From Kokkinopoulou gate go straight until you find yourself on the ring road of the campus. Then, go right and follow the signs for the School of Civil Engineering. After the tennis court and the Laboratory of Earthquake Technology on the right side, continue until you pass Bus station 200067 – KTIR. POLITIKON MHXANIKON and turn right where you will find the Laboratory.
    • From Katechaki Gate go straight until you are in front of the entrance of the parking area. Turn right and as soon as you pass the Administration Building spot a red pedestrian street on the left. Follow the pedestrian street and you will end up at the School of Civil Engineering canteen. Go up the stairs and you will find yourself on the ring road of the casmpus, at the Zografou gate. Turn right and after 200 m you will find the Laboratory.

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